Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 44

Today is a better day, and I am thankful for that. It's been somewhat calm in here, and I'm thankful for that as well. His lipase count is still in the 500's, which is kind of frustrating, but we're still waiting out the pancreatitis. Last night, we had a lot of trouble getting Holden sedated on the oscillator. We hit him with enough drugs to kill a few grown men, and my baby boy still wasn't knocked out. As Josh- one of the doctors- said, "Whooeee, he is impressive!" He's already a drug addict at the age of 10 months... What every mommy dreams of. After a couple of hours of giving him more and more medication for sedation and holding him down (it took at least two of us at all times to keep him pinned down), we decided to try bagging him for a few minutes to see if he would be compliant with the conventional vent. We figured it would be easier to keep him sedated and calm if he was on the more comfortable vent, and it worked. We've been able to wean down the settings a lot too, which is a good thing. That means he won't have to be on the vent as long this time, if all continues to go well. His xray this morning was still pretty hazy and wet, so he'll be on the vent at least another couple of days. The doctors still aren't 100% positive about what caused the flash edema to begin with, but we're fairly certain it was a reaction to the ketamine they used to sedate him for his surgery. I'm really hoping we're correct in that, because that would mean it's not his heart. Either way, things aren't as bleak here today, and we're trying to focus on getting our baby boy back again... I'm beyond ready to get him out of here!!

1 comment:

  1. god bless you all and i pray for little holden to stay strong and continue being a great fighter
